Publisher / Service provider of these web pages is:
HydroTec Gesellschaft für Ökologische Verfahrenstechnik mbH
Roland-Dorschner-Straße 5
D-95100 Selb
Tel.: +49 (0)9287 / 800 64 – 0
Fax: +49 (0)9287 / 800 64 – 150
Managing director: Andreas Lammer
Local court: Hof HRB 1328
VAT identification number: DE164559226
Liability for contents
Hydrotec GmbH reserves the right not to be responsible for the completeness and actuality of the information provided. According to § 7 TMG chapter 1 (Telemediengesetz / German Telemedia Act) and general laws, we as service provider are liable for our contents in these pages. In addition and according to §§ 8 – 10 TMG we are however, under no circumstances obliged to monitor transmitted or recorded information from third party sites nor are we liable to search for circumstances that may suggest illegitimate activity. Obligations for the removal or blocking of the use of information in accordance with the general laws remain unaffected. A liability referring to this is however only possible from the moment of actual notice of a specific infringement. Upon the discovery of respective infringement we will immediately remove these contents.
Links to third party sites
Our web sites may contain links to other web sites (linked sites). The linked sites are not under our control and Hydrotec GmbH is not responsible for the contents of any linked site, including without limitation any link contained in a linked site, or any changes or updates to a linked site. Hydrotec GmbH is not responsible for webcasting or any other form of transmission received from any linked site. The linked pages have been checked on possible legal infringements at the moment of linking and no illegal contents were found at that point of time. A permanent checking of the contents of the pages linked to is not considered feasible without definite indications of illegal activities. As soon as we become aware of any legal violations we will immediately remove such links.
All contents in these pages are subject to German copyright. Duplication, editing, distribution and any kind of utilization outside of the limitations of the copyright need the written approval of the particular author, respectively publisher. Download and duplication of these pages and their contents are only permitted for private and not for commercial use. As far as the contents or even parts of them are not created by the publisher and/or operator of this website, third party copyrights are respected. In particular contents of third parties will be designated as such. If you should despite become aware of any copyright infringement, you are kindly asked to give a corresponding notice. As soon as we become aware of infringements we will remove respective contents immediately.
Privacy protection
There is a great importance to the protection of your personal data and privacy. Insofar we inform you what information we collect and what measures are taken to protect your data.
Data collection general
Provided that there is the opportunity for the input of personal data (name, address etc.) in the website, the input of these data takes place always voluntary.
Our website can be visited anonymously without any collection of personal data. If personal data required for the use of our services or for the purpose of a contract performance is indicated you will no longer remain anonymous to us. With the input of personal data you expressly agree to the processing and registration of these data.
As far as it is possible and reasonable to us we enable the use of our services anonymously or by using a pseudonym.
Use of personal data
Your personal data will be used exclusively for the purposes stipulated, that means within a service or contractual matter. As far as you expressly gave us your consent, the provided data will be used for marketing purposes.
Disclosure to third parties
No disclosure of personal data to third parties will happen.
Information about stored data
You can access information regarding the personal data stored by us at any time. Upon request, such information can be rendered electronically.
If you want to permanently delete your user account, any data stored in your user account will be automatically deleted in its entirety.
You may also address your concerns to
HydroTec Gesellschaft für Ökologische Verfahrenstechnik mbH
Roland-Dorschner-Straße 5
D-95100 Selb
Use of Google Analytics
Our website uses Google Analytics, a website analyst software of Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses so-called „Cookies“, text files which are stored locally on your computer and enable to track the usage of the website. The generated information about your use of this website (including IP address) will be forwarded to a server of Google in the USA and stored there locally. If the IP anonymisation service in this website is activated, your IP address gets shortened by Google within the member states of the EU or in other contracting states of the agreement in the European Economic Area (EEA).
The complete IP address gets transmitted to a server of Google in the USA and shortened there only in exceptional cases. By order of the provider of this website Google will use this information to analyse the use of this website in order to generate reports about the activity of website visitors and to provide related activity and services of this website. Google will never connect your IP-address with any related data.
You can also block the installation of Google cookies through your browser software.
You can prevent storage of the cookies through a corresponding adjustment of your browser software; for that reason we point out that you possibly cannot use our full services of this website since some functions might be blocked. Moreover you can prevent gathering of data generated by cookies and by using this website (including your IP address) to Google as well as the processing of these data simply by downloading and installation of the available browser plugin under following link:
Disclaimer for Facebook plugins (Like-Button)
Our website uses so called Social Plugins of the social network Facebook, 1601 South California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA. The Facebook plugins are identifiable by one of the Facebook logos or the “Like-Button” on our page. The list and the look of Facebook Social Plugins can be found here:
If you visit our sites the plugin will set up a direct connection between your web browser and the Facebook server. As a result Facebook receives information by logging your IP address that you have visited our site. If you click on the Facebook “Like”-button while you are online with your Facebook account the contents of our site is linked on your Facebook profile at the same time. Thus, Facebook can dedicate the visit of our site by your user account. Please note that we as provider of the website do not get any information of the content of the transferred data as well as their usage by Facebook. Information related to personal rights and control functions to protect your private data can be found in the data disclaimer of:
If you do not wish that Facebook can dedicate your visit to our website to your Facebook account, please log out at your Facebook account.
Use of Twitter
Functions of Twitter are integrated in our website. These functions are offered by Twitter Inc., Twitter, Inc. 1355 Market St., Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA. By using Twitter and the function “Re-Tweet” the websites visited by you are linked with your Twitter account and shared with other users. Data transmission to Twitter takes place too.
We point out that we as provider of this website are neither informed about the content of the transmitted data nor the use of these by Twitter. For further information please observe the following link: .
You can change at any time your privacy settings at Twitter in your account settings to be found on Twitter under:
Further information
We always endeavour to ensure an optimal protection of your personal data both from a technical and organisational viewpoint. Nevertheless a full protection of data cannot be ensured by us. In case of any transmission of confidential data we recommend a conveyance by post.